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Access to healthy food, and an understanding of the relationship between food, health and the environment are issues at the heart of life. As people of faith, we are charged with caring for the health and well-being of all the creatures of the earth and the earth itself. We lift up the work of Just Food as we prepare to create garden and green spaces in our neighborhood as well.

The New Sanctuary Movement supports those immigrating to this country to navigate the challenging and often frightening path through the legal system. Accompanying those who are learning how to survive in a society that is not always welcoming, New Sanctuary responds to the scriptural call to welcome the stranger and offer hospitality to those from other lands.

This national coalition supports common sense gun safety regulations, while addressing head on the epidemic of gun-related violence in the United States.

Great strides have been made toward equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people as well as those who identify as questioning, queer or fluid in their sexuality or gender. However, the church has often been a barrier rather than a partner to this community. Parity serves to create bonds and heal wounds inflicted by the church so that the many LGBTQ people within the church and our community can experience full inclusion and express the many gifts of their faith freely.

Violence in any form destroys peace. Connect NYC works to educate, inform, and promote peace in intimate relationships. Working with communities of faith and faith leaders, Connect helps ensure that religion is a solace and support rather than a co-conspirator in situations of domestic and intimate partner violence.

Faith-centered organizations around the state come together to address matters of justice that correspond to the basic tenets of religious life: human dignity, the right to a living wage, housing, health care and other core issues that constitute the love of neighbor at the heart of system of belief.

Working with a broad coalition of the many religious and faith-based organizations in New York, IAHH, tirelessly stands up for the rights of those who find themselves without a home or at risk of losing their homes. Holding the government and for-profit interests accountable for providing shelter, safety, and dignity for all inhabitants of our city.


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